Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
If you agree to our privacy agreement we will notify the users of the products messages by SMS or email.
Our intense security and protection strategy keeps your confided in data sheltered and hidden. Data must be gotten to by staffs to help you, get to is just accessible to outsiders on the off chance that you have given composed authorization or is to aid criminal examinations. Adafashion is the sole proprietor of data gathered on this site and we ensure that we won’t sell, offer, or lease your data to any outside gatherings.
Gathering data
By utilizing Adafashion you have just approved us to gather, store and utilize your own data to
. Procedure your requests;
. Procedure your enrollment enlistment;
. Help you in a client assistance requests;
. Send you promotional material;
. Help with ascertaining commissions for; offshoot, outsource, discount or survey programs;
. Check your character with our installment accomplices.
What data do we gather and store?
Enrolled email/secret key/moniker/IP address/the date and time/program and working framework/the URL you mentioned/your PayPal email/your PayPal delivering address and other data. A few instances of why we need this data incorporate aiding pre-orders, conveyance, installment check, advancements and pamphlets, measurements on site use to help in improving our client experience and offering the most well known items. To get in touch with you about deals, exceptional offers and new webpage highlights, except if you have chosen not to get limited time correspondences regarding this site. In the event that you no longer need to get our bulletin, you can tap the withdraw interface. Note: No one other than yourself can get to your secret key, including our staff.
How do I access my stored information?
You reserve the privilege to view, update and right data put away by Adafashion. To get to your own data login to your Adafashion record and snap my subtleties or contact [email protected]
Outer Links
Our site contains connections to other outer locales. It would be ideal if you know that Adafashion isn’t liable for the protection practices of different locales. We urge clients to know when they leave our webpage and to peruse the protection articulations of every single site that gathers by and by recognizable data. This security proclamation applies just to data gathered by this site.
Notice of Changes
In the event that we choose to change our Privacy Policy, we will present those progressions on this protection explanation, the landing page, and different spots we consider proper with the goal that you know about what data we gather, how we use it, and under what conditions, assuming any, we reveal it. Clients are answerable for intermittently checking the Privacy and Policy accessible on the site for changes. In the event that we roll out material improvements to this approach, we will tell you here or by methods for a notification on our landing page.
Questions or Concerns
Questions with respect to our Privacy Policy, or other arrangement related material can be coordinated to our care staff by tapping on the “Get in touch with Us” connect in the side menu. Or then again through the accompanying strategies: