Refund & Return

Eligibility & Fees:
You can return items within 7 days of receiving your order. Please send the return package within 14 days of receiving our return instructions.

To be eligible for a refund, items must be unworn, in original condition with packaging and tags, and hygiene stickers intact. Washed or altered items won’t be refunded. Usually, the original shipping fee is non-refundable, and we don’t cover return shipping unless it’s due to a quality issue or order problem.

How to Return:

Email [email protected] to start a return. We’ll reply within 48 hours with instructions(Email will be a late reply on weekends and holidays). Don’t send items back without requesting a return.

Shipping Returns:

Contact us for return instructions based on your item and location. Generally, use the cheapest shipping with a tracking number. Share the tracking number, and we’ll follow up when we get your package.

Refund Timeline:

After processing, expect a refund to your original payment method within 7 days. The original shipping fee isn’t refundable.


Email [email protected] for exchange instructions. We’ll respond within 48 hours(Email will be a late reply on weekends and holidays).

Items Not Returnable:
  1. Swimwear, costumes, bodysuits, lingerie, underwear, event supplies, DIY supplies.
  2. Items with broken hygiene seals.
  3. Final Sale items.
  4. Made-to-order or custom items.

More Info:

Don’t use the sender’s address on your package; follow our return instructions.
Make sure only Adafashion items are in your return package.Need Help?

Contact us at [email protected] for assistance.